How To Buy

This is an example of how to own the daily craft. 這是範例- 擁有每日手工藝並參與公益很簡單!

This is an example of how to own the daily craft.
If you like the craft of the day and want to participate the 365 craft x Charity project, just simply click “own today’s craft” button. Fill out payment and shipping info via PayPal, and please be sure that your shipping address is correct. Then I’ll ship out the product next day ASAP. The English button is for buyers from other country except Taiwan. (I haven’t figure out how to set different shipping price for different country on PayPal, If you know, please kindly share the knowledge, thank you.) Own Your Day Now!!

If you have further question, please feel free to contact me.

如果您看到喜歡的商品並且想參予響應當月公益捐款活動,只需要按下擁有今日手公益按鈕,PAYPAL就會帶領您進入付款及送貨細節流程。(英文按鈕是給人不在台灣的買家,因為我還是無法在PAYPAL設定不同國不同運費,為了您的權益,如果你人在台灣請按中文按鈕喔~ 還有,如果你知道怎麼在PAYPAL設定運費BY國家,請告訴我~感謝您!) 請務必確認您填寫的送貨地址,收到付款後,我會在隔日寄出"手公益"給您。擁有屬於你的一天



Once you purchase the daily craft, 50% will be donated to


international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization

Don't know what's going on here? Please read About.

如何購買? 請詳閱 HOW TO BUY