Mar 8, 2012

Day 72 - Vintage Lace Earrings with Chain

(Top images from HonestlyWTF ; rest by 365 craft x CHARITY) 

This day belongs to Sidonie.
"  不客氣! 真的太美啦! 不小心就會手滑! 呵呵~ 期待新作品唷! "

Once you purchase the daily craft, 50% will be donated to 


非常感謝Sidonie的愛心,很榮幸認識這位紙樣創始人!! 忍不住想和大家分享Sidonie Yang的作品~她那雙神奇雙手做出以下這些質感超優的設計良品~你知道材質是 "紙 "嗎???!  而且是可以水洗的牛皮紙喔! 環保又時尚啊!!和365 craft X CHARITY一樣都是愛地球為宗旨,一定要來好好欣賞一番~


(images from 紙樣 eSHOP )

Once you purchase the daily craft, 50% will be donated to


international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization

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