Nov 4, 2011

Day 4 - Light weight feather earrings (925 sterling silver hooks)

This day belongs to 瑜庭.

This day belongs to Jazz.

I always love to make feather earrings, bright colors and light weight.
Wearing them feel so comfortable all day long!!
Hope you enjoy them. Buy it by pressing the button below the photo you like.

每次創作都是一次大冒險! 輕量級耳環更讓你配戴一整天都沒感覺呢!
所以這次分開來設按鈕~ 限量供應,賣完為止!
希望妳們ENJOY !

由台灣傑出舞者張逸軍 和四位優質表演家來自於國際知名『太陽劇團』
明天再來跟你們報告心得 :)

365 craft x CHARITY  明天見!!

Once you purchase the daily craft, 50% will be donated to


international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization

Don't know what's going on here? Please read About.

如何購買? 請詳閱 HOW TO BUY